A Brief and Critical Sacrament

The baptism of John was a sacrament of the Old Covenant introduced near the end of its administration.  John’s baptism was a call for national repentance instituted to prepare Israel for the advent of her Messiah; to “…give knowledge of salvation to His people in the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:77).  Soon afterward theContinue reading “A Brief and Critical Sacrament”

A Personal Retracing of Redemptive History

“The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever” (John 8:35). As a Christian matures he or she normally retraces redemptive history of the church as it grew from childhood to adulthood.  The church under law, from Sinai to the rending of the temple curtain, is pictured as a child underContinue reading “A Personal Retracing of Redemptive History”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 11 of 11 This is the final post.  As I said two posts ago, I hope that this series has been a benefit to you.  More importantly, I hope that it has been glorifying to God.  In my final statement last post, I identified three activities in which we must be involved as aContinue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 10 of 11 Last post we spent some time examining some verses which include commands or imperatives concerning caring for the needy.  Verses such as Deuteronomy 15:11, which says:  “For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother,Continue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 9 of 11 I have used the term ‘needy’ many, many times during the previous eight posts.  I have talked about God’s disposition toward the needy, and the call upon us to care for them.  I have explored with you the ontology and attributes of God and His holy acts.  And we have lookedContinue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 8 of 11 Before introducing any new material, I think it will be helpful to review what we have covered so far and highlight some of the topics.  In the following posts I will be narrowing down in subject and placing more emphasis upon our call to care for the needy and the afflicted.Continue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 7 of 11 It is not congruent with God’s will of disposition that one beast feed upon another, or that a beast falls upon a man resulting in his injury or death.  It did not fit within God’s dispositional will that a stingray take the life of The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin.  When theContinue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 6 of 11 I know that some of the concepts I bring up during these posts are difficult to understand.  And it is good for me to be reminded, that while I have been digesting these ideas for weeks and months, you may just be coming into contact with them.  Some of the thingsContinue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”

Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World

Part 5 of 11 In the previous post I mentioned the equation equating right belief with godly life.  We critiqued this equation, stating that to reduce the equation to this point is to make an error.  Among the most right-believing persons existing are the demons:  They believe there is one God and shudder in fearContinue reading “Made in God’s Image, Understanding Human Activity in God’s World”